A family committed to making life easier for you.

Robert Peterson
Owner / Operator
Entrepreneur. Father. Master Plumber.
Born and raised in Anne Arundel County, Robert has always wanted to find his place in the community. From cutting grass for neighbors as a kid to getting his Master Plumber's License, Robert realized his place and his passion in life. He loves putting in the hard work to provide a service that genuinely helps a neighbor out.
When Robert isn't working, he can be found spending time with his wife and two kids.
Christy Peterson
Owner / Operator
Entrepreneur. Mother. Day-to-Day Operations Manager.
Raised by entrepreneurs, Christy had always dreamed of starting a business of her own. She spent her time before Annapolis Salt Delivery learning all she could about running a business, marketing, and bookkeeping. When Robert proposed the idea of Annapolis Salt Delivery to her, she was ecstatic to put her skills to the test and finally have a business of her own to grow and love.
Christy spends her time running the day-to-day operations of Annapolis Salt Delivery, while simultaneously taking in all the snuggles she can get from her two babies.

The Big Boss
With us since our founding, DanDan has a passion for salt like no other we've ever seen. He never turns down a chance to help load a truck or correct Robert & Christy when they don't do things up to his standards.
The Little Boss
Our newest member of the Annapolis Salt Delivery family.
While still learning the ropes of Annapolis Salt, she gives her mom all the baby snuggles in between naps during the day. Arguably one of the world's best co-workers!